So, its totally been like two years since I have even blogged.. Not quite sure what made me remember that I had a blog but something did and so I looked it up to see if I could find it and I did. Clearly I began to go back and read all the blogs I have previously written....well, I didn't realize I had written so many!! haha :)
However, I will say that going back and reading....old Bekah definitely had some wise words for the current Bekah. Sometimes, our own perspective is what helps us eventually in the long run. Reminding ourselves of little treasures we used to know and trust in and it makes us realize that yeah....even then I was going to be ok. Even in that darker moment in life I persevered and look where I am today. I survived it. Everyone definitely has a story all their own....when I was a little girl, I never realized how much in this little life I have lived so far all I would go thru. Some of it I brought on to myself and others it was just life happening. Every single thing in my life that I have survived or experienced be it humbling or terrifying, God has used it all in one way or another. One experience took 10yrs for me to see the reason but I finally saw it when God needed me to...actually, I have yet to find a reason for things to happen that I won't ever understand because God always has a way of showing me that "ahhh that is why.." what is a little suffering and waiting we do in this life compared to the suffering and waiting He endured for us? Nothing compared.
Sometimes it is good for us to journal or blog or whatever it may be when we are going through things so we can look back and reflect one day at all the good that has come from that place. So many defining moments in our life - we can choose to look back as all negative or start to choose to see that all that bad stuff is always turned into something good. I wont lie, some things in my past are incredibly hard to forgive and see the good in it...but, there is. Just remembering that no matter how bad or good it is God loves you and He knows. God holds no judgement against you and he holds no grudges. Just seeing my past blogs and remembering how I didn't think that I would make it past that makes me choke up seeing that I DID and that God never left me during that whole time even if I left him for a bit. He didn't give up and neither should we. :)