Friday, June 1, 2012

the year of changes...

It has been a long time since I have blogged....and SOOOO much has happened since my last post.  I couldn't have even imagined up all the events that have transpired so far this year and what is yet to come..
If you had told me last year that I would move into a new apartment, have a new great job, and be planning a months worth of a trip to Europe all within the same month... I probably would have told you that you were completely insane and you were thinking of someone else.  Not me.  Not me the Bekah that is scared of changes and taking that first step.  I must say, the week after I settled into my job and new all hit me.  The reality of everything that just happened was very overwhelming and I had a mini melt down.  I'm thankful for the friends and family that kept encouraging me that it would all be ok..  I believe it will.. At times I am scared that I will fail and it won't all come together.. but when I'm at my lowest, God is at His highest and lifts me up.

I am sure everyone is tired of hearing about this upcoming trip ;) seeing how I talk about it all the time.  But I am just so tickled beyond belief that this is actually happening!  I get choked up just thinking about it.  I can't believe that I will be in the most beautiful places in the world in just a few short weeks.  I cannot wait for the journey that God has ahead for me.  I definitely feel Gods hand orchestrating all of my steps...He is waiting for me in Europe.. it is going to be such a spiritual journey of renewing and refreshing of my heart and soul.  I hope it is blessed and just the best possible thing for my little heart.  I hope I can find myself again and get to the root of what I need in life right now.  I want to be this happy person, who is genuine and caring and happy and confident in who I am and what I am put on this earth to do.  I want to conquer fears and LIVE.  I don't want to merely exist, and up until this last year I feel like I have had great experiences but so scared to live out what I need to.  God has definitely shaken up my world and woke me up from this sleep of just existing.

Everything and everyone in my life up to this point have all been there for a reason.. And even though it hasn't always been easy... I can see now, looking back, all the reasons for everything that has happened.  I'm so thankful for everything that it has created me to be now..and look forward to what it will guide me to in my future.

I will be blogging my journey over seas and will try to post as much as time will allow. :)  So stay tuned!  It will be exciting :0)

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