I can't believe how sometimes they say the things that they do and actually think that it sounds ok and it won't hurt your feelings. haha! hysterical!!!!
I'm just so incredibly thankful that i don't have to deal with the reasons why certain boys (or people for that matter) are in my past... they are there for a reason, so leave them there girls!
God makes us all to have a mutual respect for one another. Love, patience... ya know the whole spill. There aren't many guys out there who are actually gentleman and do small things like oh I don't know... open the door for you, or not talk on their cellphone when they are with you, or take you serious when you say no. Chivalry is out the window as far as i'm concerned.
Thank you Jesus for daddy's, puppies, and granpdas! :)
These 4men in my life are the lights of my life and I love them all so very much!!! Thank you Jesus for such AWESOME men/puppy :) And thank you for the awesome man who is far off in my future existing right now doing who knows what! Getting prepared for me :) poor fella!
On a side note... I thank Jesus for all that I learn in everything I go through in life. Even if it may be hard, he uses those hard moments to grab our attention and bring us back to Him.. where we ultimately belong - He should ultimately be the man in our life...first and foremost, and always and forevermore!
Thank you for loving us and being our Father!!!!!! We are so blessed to serve and be loved by the creator of the universe. It still blows my mind how the same God who is caring and loving me and speaking to me right now, is the same God who is talking to some other person in Japan at the same time and loving them in the same way! Who else can do that?!
Lets thank God for the amazing dads and grandpas we have in our lives today! They are amazing role models and men of God, and we should love and honor them in every way we can; especially our Father in heaven!!!!!
Buenas NACHOS!
I'm so glad you are blogging! You are a natural! <3