Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Goodness!

What to write about today..... what a looong day it was!
I find that its so hard to please people in the work environment that I'm in.  I had a client return today and was just not happy with how her hair was looking (we did it previously the Friday before).  However, after assessing the situation I realized that her situation and dislike of her hair was not actually about her hair at all... she was more unsatisfied with how her heart was - in went much deeper than just hair.
She sat in my chair on Friday starting off with "I hate how I look... I hate my skin color.  I hate my body and my hair. Please make me feel good about myself the best you can with what I've given you to deal with." She actually felt she was not fixable to look even halfway decent.
Thats a cry for love and genuine fellowship and acceptance!

I have started to try to look at other people that even though they have a hard exterior, their interior is total cookie crumbles and mush...they are so wanting to be accepted and sometimes the hardness of their appearance and attitude makes them seem almost invincible like they do not need your acceptance or need you.
When people have a really bad attitude or are always putting down other people, it is coming from a completely different part of them than just being in a bad mood.
It makes me so angry to see how some people are so very quick to judge (I, too, can be that way) and just look down on others because of their appearance or mindset of life.
But you have to remember, everyone has a past... everyone wants to be loved (and I don't care what you say YOU DO!).  Everybody has a story!
We must love everyone and not judge... no matter what the circumstance. God loves us, and we are no better than anyone.
Like our pastor said on Sunday, no one is better than anyone because there is no standard for who is better than who. Our standard of being a good christian is God, and NONE of us measures up to that.  God is the ultimate "better" than anyone that walks this earth - so who are we to think otherwise?

Remember, everyone has a story. You have a story. Just let God be the author.

Hasta manana people!

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