Monday, November 8, 2010

Healthy/Vacay or Bust!

Ok.. maybe this will hold me accountable. :)
I am starting tomorrow on my starbucks fast :( :( :( this is completely going to be INCREDIBLY difficult for me. :(  But, its making me so uncomfortable after I drink it and I don't want that anymore.
I also am realizing how unhealthy I am and have been lately.... I need to get back into shape and start eating right and working out again.  God wants me to be healthy :)

So, starting tomorrow.. I am cutting out just about half of what I'm eating,

Hopefullly, by blogging this I can hold myself more accountable to this all. :)

On a side note... I had an incredible opportunity to learn under the amazinggg Carla Ross this weekend!!!!!!!!!  She is an incredible hair artist and to learn from her was unforgettable!
Cant wait to put my new skillz to work. :)

Butttt, even though I enjoy hair... I NEED A BREAK! I need a vacation!  My goal is to work really hard this holiday season and take off for like..................... a month! hahahaha... just want to be able to relax. but I'm going somewhere tropical so I need to be bikini ready :) in comes the reasoning for eating better and working out.. I want to truly enjoy my vacay and look good :) to bed I go, dreaming of my Belize. :)

1 comment:

  1. You can do it (cut out the coffee and go to Belize)!!! I believe!!!! <3
