Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Roots Of God

Ok... so I went walking today at the Umstead Park.  God led me to this big rock beside a brook and surrounded by trees.
I was just journaling and just writing down so many feelings and emotions that I have been dealing with the last few months...and I just asked God to please, meet me... speak to me... show me something I need to hear from Him.  So, I shut off my ipod and put down my pen... and just sat there.. looking around.  Just seeing God in everything he made... the leaves.. the color of the leaves..the rocks.  how the water was flowing over the rocks, making that relaxing rushing noise of water trickling down.... then I get my phone out to take a few pictures to capture the moments, and I turn around and look through the camera on my phone and behind me is a wall of dirt... and on top of that wall of dirt was a tree, and underneath it were the roots.. they ran deep.  Its amazing that God spoke to me through a tree...because what instantly came to my mind spoke deep into my heart of hearts; into my soul.
I instantly started journaling and this is what God spoke to me.

The act (thought) = seed.  It could be a seed of whatever you want... a seed of hatred, love, bitterness, happiness, etc.
After, the seed is planted in your heart.... after that act or thought or whatever it is.  Who plants it? Satan. We allow it.
Who showers it?  We do.  How?  By acting on the same thing that gave us the seed.  Sinful repetition.  Then it grows.  The more we sin, the bigger the seed, the deeper it goes and grows.  Sometimes it takes years for it to grow, but its still there.  What grows from our seed?  A tree.... we can plant many, many different types of seeds in our hearts, which produce different types of outcomes : trees.

(this is the actual picture i took of the root that was behind me....)

The ground is the foundation.  The seed is planted deep within the heart of the foundation. Then it grows... it grows up, and it grows down..deep into the ground.  Then a plant starts to surface.  Then out comes a tree... and over years it grows and it grows.
The ground is our thoughts/actions.  The seed is planted in our heart (deep into the ground).  When a plant comes to the surface, is when our actions come to the surface... our heart and feelings start to surface, and we start showing what is on the inside - reaping what we sewed.  Over years it becomes/consumes us.. it becomes part of who we are - defining how we are with others, with ourselves, and with Our God.  People can then see what has been deep inside of our hearts.

I currently have a forest of trees in my heart.  Some right now, not so good... and they run deep.  Especially, the seeds of bitterness, jealousy, borderline hatred.... envy, despise, hurt, guilt, lust, resentment, malice, refusing to forgive..... I have let them run so deep, and showered them for so long, that I now have let the roots begin to overrun my forest of anything that had good in it.  Any lush, beautiful, and healthy trees and flowers that God planted/wants to plant in my life.  I feel the roots of evil wrapping its way around my heart...constricting it from allowing God in to heal me and cut me loose.

I have to let God come in and plow down the evil forrest that Satan is trying to so hard overrun anything good that I have in me that Jesus wants to use for His glory.  I need to let God chop down those trees, uproot them, and make them into firewood... burn it to ashes.
Then I can allow the fruits and trees that God wants to plant in my heart: love, honesty, forgiveness, mercy, grace, happiness, selflessness, truth, prosperity, hope, promise, willingness, humble, and a plethora of amazing things that God wants to plant in my heart, mind, and soul.

(and this was the forest of trees behind me, and the tree from that root)

For the root of ALL evil is sin... we need to let GOD put roots in our hearts... for God is the root of ALL things good.

So, let GOD plant the seed in your heart.... allow him to cut down and uproot whatever you are allowing to grow deep inside... let Him be the designer and landscaper of your LIFE.


  1. Amen! What a profound thought, Bekah.

  2. thank you Bekah for sharing your beautiful experience with us!

  3. *love* this blog post/article/thought and want it to sink deeeeeeep into my heart. I *love* you too!!!

