Sunday, October 31, 2010

Life: Whats Wrong With This Picture?!

Well, halloween has come and gone! thank goodness :)
Always fun to be able to act and be someone else besides yourself, because sometimes you just need that escape to be fun and act silly and not be your usual self!

Oh, life... how unpredictable. So much going on and no time to just stop and breathe. So much to do, to please people, to be involved, just go go go - do do do! Never anytime to stop and just be.  Be content.  Be patient.  Be still.  Be happy.  Be yourself.  Too many things happening and expectations.  Its exhausting.  Its unsatisfying!
Its so hard to quiet the noises in your head, and outside...quiet the voices of others.. of the devil.  He's so loud! Wish I could borrow some earplugs from God to drown out any of the negativity and sin and nagging.  Only God can quiet it all.  Gahh, even now i'm rambling!

How is it that we can't just be like God? Why does it have to be so hard? Its so bad because I KNOW how we should be.. how I should be.  How I should act.  God calls us specifically and clearly what to do as His children.. yet our flesh is so incredibly strong that we drown out what we know God is saying to do.  That means we must die to self and turn the other cheek - and lets face it.. who wants to do that?!?!!?  I know I'm not supposed to judge.  I know I'm supposed to forgive 77 x's 7.  I know I'm supposed to love everyone no matter what race, age, past, looks.. just love.  Thats all He asks us to do.  Why is it so hard?  Because our flesh is so strong and crying out.  But why do we not want to do what the Lord of our life, the romancer of our heart, He wants us to do?  He asks so little in comparison to what He has done for us.  Why can we simply not return the small favor He asks of us!?

Surrendering and dying to self is the hardest, most annoying thing to do.  Is it because we don't want to give others the satisfaction or let them win?  Ultimately, we will be rewarded for it from someone who's opinion and love matters FAR greater (GOD!) than the person we are trying to overcome and get approval from.

We are God's masterpieces.  Uniquely created, uniquely beautiful.  We should not seek approval from anyone.. yet it captures and consumes us.  Who defines what is acceptable? Who?!  God.  Why do we let others manipulate our decisions...our time.. our thoughts.  I am a person who is easily guilted into trying to please others.  I so greatly wish to change that because I always end up in places and with people I just do not feel is beneficial.  Life is so short.  Do not waste it trying to please others and going places you don't want to go... why spend your life wasting away just to please? God is who we are pleasing, and who we are seeking.  Its only Him that matters.

Meditating yesterday I was thinking and contemplating all of the above... and God simply told me this:

You cannot constrict an artist; you cannot give them any limitations..for if you take away any part of that, you are taking away a part of them. So shine, be creative, and don't hold others back from showing their artistry in life. No one piece of art is the same, yet they are all beautiful and unique; as we are made in God and are in His eyes - unique and beautiful.

Lets live life according to how God created us... lets bring to life the masterpiece He has created inside of our souls and intricately woven into our life.
And I'm speaking to myself more than anyone :) lets see if I can heed my own advice!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Florida State till Death

Ahhh!!!! The game tonight was so incredibly intense!  We played so well, up until the 3rd quarter.  All I have to say is that we HANDED NC State the game.  They would NOT have won if we hadn't of given it to them!  So, you're welcome.
Overall, it was a fun experience!!!  Ruby made friends with this guy sitting behind us who started out talking smack, but ended up being pretty cool. :)   These two lovely older gentleman in front of us... poor guys.. I screamed in their ear until they could hear no more. hahaha.  Who cares! They were wolf packers so they needed to hear me - oh, how they didn't know it was their lucky night :)
I'm pretty hard core. :) haha SO MUCH FUN! I loved ittt... makes me miss the good ole Florida days when I could go to games a lot more!
Thank you to Lauren who scored us those tickets!!!!!!!! Love making new friends. :)

Now I'm completely exhausted and hoarse and I should be napping instead of blogging because I have work tomorrow!  I hope I don't have any state fans as clients... might slip my sheers - ooops. haha jk. :)

Thanks to Duke for the AWESOME pumpkin!!!! Representin'!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ohh boys!!!

What a day!!!!  Seriously... how to put this eloquently? Boys are jerks.  Well, most of them anyways. :)
I can't believe how sometimes they say the things that they do and actually think that it sounds ok and it won't hurt your feelings. haha! hysterical!!!!
I'm just so incredibly thankful that i don't have to deal with the reasons why certain boys (or people for that matter) are in my past... they are there for a reason, so leave them there girls!

God makes us all to have a mutual respect for one another. Love, patience... ya know the whole spill.  There aren't many guys out there who are actually gentleman and do small things like oh I don't know... open the door for you, or not talk on their cellphone when they are with you, or take you serious when you say no.  Chivalry is out the window as far as i'm concerned.
Thank you Jesus for daddy's, puppies, and granpdas! :)

These 4men in my life are the lights of my life and I love them all so very much!!! Thank you Jesus for such AWESOME men/puppy :) And thank you for the awesome man who is far off in my future existing right now doing who knows what! Getting prepared for me :) poor fella!

On a side note... I thank Jesus for all that I learn in everything I go through in life. Even if it may be hard, he uses those hard moments to grab our attention and bring us back to Him.. where we ultimately belong - He should ultimately be the man in our life...first and foremost, and always and forevermore!
Thank you for loving us and being our Father!!!!!!  We are so blessed to serve and be loved by the creator of the universe.  It still blows my mind how the same God who is caring and loving me and speaking to me right now, is the same God who is talking to some other person in Japan at the same time and loving them in the same way!  Who else can do that?!

Lets thank God for the amazing dads and grandpas we have in our lives today!  They are amazing role models and men of God, and we should love and honor them in every way we can; especially our Father in heaven!!!!!

Buenas NACHOS!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Goodness!

What to write about today..... what a looong day it was!
I find that its so hard to please people in the work environment that I'm in.  I had a client return today and was just not happy with how her hair was looking (we did it previously the Friday before).  However, after assessing the situation I realized that her situation and dislike of her hair was not actually about her hair at all... she was more unsatisfied with how her heart was - in went much deeper than just hair.
She sat in my chair on Friday starting off with "I hate how I look... I hate my skin color.  I hate my body and my hair. Please make me feel good about myself the best you can with what I've given you to deal with." She actually felt she was not fixable to look even halfway decent.
Thats a cry for love and genuine fellowship and acceptance!

I have started to try to look at other people that even though they have a hard exterior, their interior is total cookie crumbles and mush...they are so wanting to be accepted and sometimes the hardness of their appearance and attitude makes them seem almost invincible like they do not need your acceptance or need you.
When people have a really bad attitude or are always putting down other people, it is coming from a completely different part of them than just being in a bad mood.
It makes me so angry to see how some people are so very quick to judge (I, too, can be that way) and just look down on others because of their appearance or mindset of life.
But you have to remember, everyone has a past... everyone wants to be loved (and I don't care what you say YOU DO!).  Everybody has a story!
We must love everyone and not judge... no matter what the circumstance. God loves us, and we are no better than anyone.
Like our pastor said on Sunday, no one is better than anyone because there is no standard for who is better than who. Our standard of being a good christian is God, and NONE of us measures up to that.  God is the ultimate "better" than anyone that walks this earth - so who are we to think otherwise?

Remember, everyone has a story. You have a story. Just let God be the author.

Hasta manana people!

Monday, October 25, 2010

What to wear!

So, this is my very first entry.... lets see how it goes. :)

Today as I was walking with my very dear friend, Carissa... I was rambling about the ungodly amount of clothes I have... and how I worry about what am I gonna wear to this and that and how my mom (love u!) always says "If you worried about what your heart looks like half as much as you do in taking care of yourself and looking nice, you would be in good shape!". Very, very true!

We always wake up and think "what am I gonna wear today?" "how will I look in this?" and "what will people think of me in this outfit?" the same goes for our hearts as it does for our outer appearance.
We wake up every morning and put on a different outfit for our hearts every single day.
For a few weeks I was dressing my heart all in black - in depression.  All people would see was the gloominess. Other times I dress my heart in being "hard"... kind of emoish, like nothing can harm me and I am fearless.
However, we should wake up everyday and wear the armor of God! Open our hearts up to Him and let him clothe us in His righteousness and truth.  He calls us to show everyone who we are in Him and let Him shine through us, and our hearts and actions are the biggest things that people ultimately notice.  We can dress our bodies in any way we want to, to make us look beautiful or whatever way we are feeling.  But our hearts is what is ultimately acknowledged and how we are known for.  I can meet the most beautiful/handsome of people, but if their heart is no good, I see them in a different way.

I have fallen short to this for most of my life.  Hypocritical and judgmental.  I need to find who I am in the Lord and walk with Him, unwaveringly.

So, lets wake up and instead of thinking of how we will appear physicall, lets ask God how should we dress our hearts today?

Love peace and chicken grease y'all!